Sunday, June 24, 2018

How Ass is My Behind?

I've got some great titles for a few unfinished pieces, mainly blog posts and business reviews, "Where the Wild Things Are", "The 3rd Year was the Worst", and "Catch Up!" are a few.
As I sit in my van on a side street of Encino, next to the freeway, I welcome the disappearance of the sun and the cool air that comes along with. I just ingested a half of a Xanax, ate a Cup of Noodle mixed with part of a can of Hot Dog Chilli from the Dollar Tree, and am sipping slowly on my famous Big Gulp Cup filled with ice and watered down Coco-Nut-Rita. Chopin plays in the background while the town's people go inside closed doors to rest before Monday arrives and brings a new week of monotony for their poor souls to envelop. Life is kind to me, I am at peace. I continue typing, hoping to excrete something worth reading, hoping not to pass out from the benzodiazepine that will surely take over firstly my feet, then my legs, with the rest of my body following, I wonder which will go limp first, my brain or my fingers.

Prelude in E minor Op. 28 No. 4

It seems to be easier for me to write titles lately than to actually put my heart on the page. I had been on such a roll and then, electricity deficiency, malnourishment, depression, and fear set in. I began writing these epic pieces in my head swearing I would get them down on paper at some point, somehow. I recognized my lack in progress and so with every bit of energy I could muster up I began writing, even if I couldn't finish, I didn't want to lose the thoughts behind what I knew would be extraordinary pieces. I collected names of the people who inspired me. I revealed my identity to the kind souls I would meet. I will connect each puzzle piece to my Prelude.

I now know why this chapter has appeared in my story, the story of me, Warner Bailey. I am a woman who no longer calls herself a girl. I am a woman. I am grown up from my childish past. I have an understanding of life that I had but forgot. I'm remembering now. I am learning how. I am a writer, always have been, always will be. I've been living out these stories. I am living the dream. I have so much wonder and excitement still in me, it's overflowing. I will hover over blank pages and let it all spill. Colorful ink droplets of love, loss, strength, courage, dark, light, hope, and power. Read me, but don't read between my lines please, there lays nothing. My imagination is great. My spirit and soul are both young and old. I possess gifts that only I can give.

If you're still reading and wondering which goes limp first, the brain or the fingers, it's the brain in this case for me. And there go the fingers. I'm struggling to press the last keys.

Tonight I will fall asleep to the sounds of Chopin making love to black and white keys. I will dream of good things and awake to another California morning, I hope to take this feeling of calm with me to tomorrow. We shall see. My wish is that you will join me.

Goodnight you princes and princesses of Maine, you kings and queens of New England.

Chopin - Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2

"Life Sucks and is so Beautiful."-Warner Bailey

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

MESSAGES: A new segment

This new portion of Is This Real Life Really? Is entitled "Messages" because I will be copy & pasting real life, actual messages from my texting, emailing, and whatever other orms of communication I use with my loved ones. 

This idea finally came into fluision since I've been living in my non operational van for the past month. It has been so difficult to keep my 2 phones, portable chargers, and laptop charged up enough to write and deliver my message to you guys.

I have quite a few posts that I haven't completed or shared yet. Some of those writings, I feel, will be cool to keep hidden so that they can be discovered years later and released like some sort of treasure found.

The other stuff I've written during these times are haunting me because I now feel like we've been twice removed, you're missing out on following my journey as it's happening, and I'm missing out on you guys as well.

The beauty in "MESSAGES" Is that there's less work involved for me, and these are things I will have written no matter if it's for my blog or Podcast. These are actual messages I felt in my heart to relay to people at the given time. I may post a message that was a reply to someone whom I care for or sometimes it will be my random way of saying "hi" to someone I haven't done well keeping up with. A quick way to share my expression with you, that doesn't take much time, or battery power,  and doesn't keep is disconnected.

I hope you enjoy tapping a bit closer in to my mind, heart, spirit, and soul

Enjoy! ❤️💘💔💙

P.s.- the plan is to post the messages unedited, never including the other person's prompt or response, and allowing you, the reader, to engadge your imagination as to what gave birth to the message and/or how it was received.

The Warner Bailey Project begins with me and will become a movement with us. Please feel free to engage, share, like, comment. I am always open to collaborations. How has this message make you feel? How do you see the text conversation continuing? How would you respond if this message were for you?

Let's express ur human experience together. ¡Si se puede!

A message to my cousin:

We are gifted and highly favored. We are supreme! We are everything they can not be. They hate. We resuscitate and rejuvenate. We heal and they kill. It was never going to be easy. Nevermind that and nevermind them. We ain't playing so there is no win and there is no end. The joke will always be on them because we ain't no fools hut they are and they're also clowns too. WE are here with sadness, anger, disgust, and fear, but that's part of how we get through this shit. That's how we live. Better times always come, maybe not better than we remember it to be, but better than this hot mess we got here. I love you, you are whom I call my real family. You may worry me but you don't scare me. This was written and boy do I fight it, I don't like it, but we come from places where roses grow from concrete! Let's stop hearing with our ears, let's hear what the rhythm in our gut says. Let's stop looking with these human eyes and see beyond these phony fake lies. We are the truth. We were bread to get through these things but not alone. It isn't a coincidence we're on the opposite side of the county going through similar things around the same time. Let's do this yo! We have the power. We are the ones.

-Warner Bailey est. 1979 (20018)

Life Sucks and is so Beautiful. -Warner Bailey

Friday, June 15, 2018

Bornday of Freedom, a Future Woman.

Today marks the 11th year I birthed my daughter Free into this world/life. Happy Birthday to her, to me, and to my Mother who had a mastectomy before 1979 in her 30's. Breast Cancer was a known enemy but radiation treatment wasn't worth the risk for her to die over one booby. The prosthesis she had was uncomfortable and so she wore her body cancer free and comfortably.

At that time, in this American society, that was shocking for many. Because of my Mother's bold beauty, which included brave and healthy decisions, I was able to be born to a wonderful example of a Woman. I was given the best opportunity at a life worth living, and body to bare a future woman that I named after my Mother, Aunt, her father's legacy, but first and foremost I gave her, her birthright, Freedom.

"Mother's who love themselves can have daughters who love them and they can learn how to love and let the strength of humanity continue to win." - Warner Bailey