Saturday, March 31, 2018


I'm gonna freestyle a poem from a quote I just read that I've heard numerous times.

Why worry?
Maybe because the bills won't be paid
Maybe because things can slip my mind if I don't and fall into an ABYSS and since the abyss as I understand is a never ending type of hole which means to me that my thoughts can be slipping into infinity and at some point will come back to me,
Too late.
I worry about that.
Worry, maybe just maybe could very  possibly in some very small/minut way help me.
Why worry?
Why not worry?
Who knows what outcomes could be?
Who knows what will actually happen?
I mean, what will happen if I don't worry, if no-one ever worries again?
Isn't worry care?
I'm worried I have a warped definition of what care really means.
I'm okay, don't worry about me.
Care about me, believe in me, encourage me, 
love me for me whether I'm a prisoner of worry or spirit you see free.
I'm not worried about any of it,
I say, 
be free to worry,
Be free to be worry free.
Why worry?
Because if I didn't I may not be me.

-Warner Bailey 3.31.2018

"One day you'll look back and realize that
you worried too much about things that don't really matter."

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