Friday, April 5, 2019

National Poetry Month Day 2

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Today’s prompt (optional, as always) is based on this poem by Claire Wahmanholm, which transforms the natural world into an unsettled dream-place. One way it does this is by asking questions – literally. The poem not only contains questions, but ends on a question. Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that similarly resists closure by ending on a question, inviting the reader to continue the process of reading (and, in some ways, writing) the poem even after the poem ends.
Happy writing!
Which Way is Up?
I was comfortable laying in bed, sheets and blankets covering my naked body, shielding what confidence I had left from the elements of the world I had to play dress up in.
The clock said to me, "it's time to go."
I fussed and whimpered faint mumbles of "No, I don't want to go." I even contemplated saying "Fuck it", and staying stuck to the fitted sheet of my O'so comfortable bed.
What then? If I stayed was there a price to pay?
Do I really care either way?
The bed still smelled of you. Ever so lightly your aroma kept me laying there wanting more.
More of the empty side that you always take. More of the nothingness that felt so fulfilling.
I wanted more or less to stay petrified in my own space and time.
I scare me sometimes when I stay in a state of lifeless bliss. I wonder if I live for this.
I raise myself up and remove the cloak of covers.
I go.
Was staying ever an option?
-Warner Bailey
"Life Sucks and is so Beautiful."

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